Christian Romero Placeholder

Cee Romero

My name is Christian, though friends call me Cee. I have 5 years of hands-on experience with cloud technologies, backend server configuration, project management, and full stack application development & deployment. I'm inherently curious, have a knack for problem solving and work best in a fast-paced, dynamic environment. Experience with full stack cloud technologies allows me to conceptualize related technical projects on micro and macro levels. In addition to being a lifelong learner, I'm a natural people person who finds joy in building community within my team & organization. My top 5 strengths from the Gallup survey are Futuristic, Includer, WOO, Communication, and Achiever.

I've earned a RedHat Linux System Administrator Certificate by completing full stack server configuration training provided by Rackspace. I've continued to develop and apply this training through working on many technical teams maintaining & troubleshooting Linux/Unix environments at WP Engine. A coding Bootcamp facilitated by the University of Texas Ausin further broadened my skills by earning a Full Stack JavaScript Developer Certificate. During this time I learned JavaScript coding fundamentals, deployed apps to the cloud, and demonstrated competency in the application of website development while building on my existing full stack knowledge and skillset.

Recently I completed a full stack software engineering internship with WP Engine where I worked with a full stack engineering team. Work included deploying code as part of platform security patches, API maintenance, cli tools, and feature changes to the WP Engine fleet of production servers. I also collaborated with other departments while working on sprint review & planning, post mortem reviews, and deployment planning.

Contact Me

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Feel free to reach out to me via LinkedIn or email at [email protected].

My Work

Cocktail Menu - Group Project

API Connection - mobile first development - project managment

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Workout Tracker

Configured the API calls on the backend of this site and deployed to production. I did not create the frontend.

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Burger Chomp - Dynamic Site

Dynamic content based on user action

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